Errata – 1st Edition

If you find an error in the text I would appreciate a short email to All known errors are listed here.

Physics and Math Errata

  • On page 5 $h=1$ should read $\hbar = 1$. (Thanks to Jonathan Jones.)
  • On page 6 in eq. 1.1, $[\hat{x}_i,\hat{p}_i]=i\delta_{ij}$ should read $[\hat{x}_i,\hat{p}_j]=i\delta_{ij}$. (Thanks to Li Zeyang .)
  • On page 17 in eq. 2.24, the $\eta^{00}(x_0)^2$ term should instead be $\eta^{00}(dx_0)^2$. (Thanks to Rob Casey.)
  • On page 17 in the second bullet point at the bottom of the page the summation should have mu as the index rather than i: $\sum_i \rightarrow \sum_\mu$. (Thanks to Ethan C. Jahns.)
  • On page 17 in the third bullet point $x_3$ should be defined as z, not y: $x_3 \equiv y \rightarrow x_3 \equiv z$ (Thanks to Ethan C. Jahns.)
  • On page 21 a prime $’$ is missing for $E_1$ and for $E_2$ at  “After the transformation “: $E_1\rightarrow E’_1 $ and   $E_2\rightarrow E’_2 $ (Thanks to Bart Pastoor.)
  • On page 30 in Eq. 3.3 the minus sign should be in the top-right corner: $\begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta) &  \sin(\theta)\\ – \sin(\theta) &  \cos(\theta) \end{pmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta) & – \sin(\theta)\\  \sin(\theta) &  \cos(\theta) \end{pmatrix} $. The same correction must be made in sidenote 11. (Thanks to Zheru Qiu)
  • On page 31 just before Eq. 3.11 $O(3)$ and $SO(3)$ should read $O(2)$ and $SO(2)$ (Thanks to Bart Pastoor.)
  • On page 32 in Eq. 3.17 the minus sign should be in the top-right corner: $\begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta) &  \sin(\theta)\\ – \sin(\theta) &  \cos(\theta) \end{pmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta) & – \sin(\theta)\\  \sin(\theta) &  \cos(\theta) \end{pmatrix} $. The same correction must be used in Eqs. 3.19-3.22 (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 33 in Eq. 3.23 the minus sign for $R_y$ should be in front of the $\sin(\theta)$ in the lower left corner  instead of in front of the $\sin(\theta)$ in the upper right corner. In addition for $R_z$ the minus sign should be in front of the $\sin(\theta)$ in the upper right corner  instead of in front of the $\sin(\theta)$ in the lower left corner.  The matrix in appendix A2 in A.9 is correct, because there we rotate the frame instead of a vector. (Thanks to Bart Pastoor.)
  • On page 34 in Eq. 3.30 the matrix representation for $j$ is wrong: $\begin{pmatrix}0& -i\\-i&  0\end{pmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{pmatrix}0& i\\ i& 0 \end{pmatrix} $, because otherwise Eq. 3.27 is not fulfilled. (Thanks to Bruno Jacobs.)
  • On page 35 in Eq. 3.31 the elements $(1,2) $ and $(2,1)$ of the matrix are switched and in addition the error in Eq. 3.30 changes the minus in front of $c$ to a plus $\begin{pmatrix} a+di&  -b-ci\\ b-ci&  a-di \end{pmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{pmatrix} a+di&  b+ci\\ -b+ci&  a-di \end{pmatrix} $ (Thanks to Bruno Jacobs.)
  • On page 36, because of the error on page 34 in Eq. 3.30, Eq. 3.38 should read $\begin{pmatrix}i v_z& v_x+iv_y\\-v_x+iv_y& -iv_z \end{pmatrix}$. In addition, in Eq. 3.39, the matrix should read $\begin{pmatrix}0& 1\\-1& 0\end{pmatrix}$. This also changed the matrix in the last line, which then should read $\begin{pmatrix}0& 1\\-1& 0\end{pmatrix}$, too.   (Thanks to Bruno Jacobs.)
  • On page 37, because of the error on page 36, Eq. 3.43 should read $\begin{pmatrix}0& e^{-i2 \theta} \\-e^{-i2 \theta} & 0\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}0& \cos(2\theta) -i \sin(2\theta) \\- \cos(2\theta)- i\sin(2\theta) & 0\end{pmatrix}$. Through the correction in Eq. 3.38, here Eq. 3.44 reads $\begin{pmatrix}i v_z’& v_x’+iv_y’\\-v_x’+iv_y’& -iv_z’ \end{pmatrix}$ and therefore Eq. 3.45 is still correct.  (Thanks to Bruno Jacobs.)
  • On page 37 in the equation below Eq. 3.47 it should read below the two arrows: “Vector rotation by $\pi$” instead of  “Vector rotation by $\frac{\pi}{2}$” (Thanks to Bart Pastoor.)
  • On page 39 in Eq. 3.53  and Eq. 3.54 a factor $\frac{1}{n!}$ is missing: $h(\theta)=I+ \frac{ dh}{d \theta }. |_{\theta=0} \theta + \frac{ d^2h}{d \theta^2 }. |_{\theta=0} \theta^2 + … = \sum_n \frac{d^n h }{d \theta^n }\big{|}_{\theta=0 } \theta^n . \rightarrow h(\theta)=I+ \frac{ dh}{d \theta }. |_{\theta=0} \theta + \frac{1}{2}\frac{ d^2h}{d \theta^2 } |_{\theta=0} \theta^2 + … = \sum_n \frac{1}{n!} \frac{d^n h }{d \theta^n } \big{|}_{\theta=0 } \theta^n $  and $h(\theta)=  e^{\frac{dh}{d\theta}|_{\theta=0} \theta}  = \sum_n \frac{1}{n!} \frac{d^nh}{d^n\theta} |_{\theta=0} \theta^n$.(Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 42, Eq.  3.67 the last term $(j_1)^5= j$. should read $(j_1)^5=j_1$ (Thanks to Joey Ooi)
  • On page 43 in sidenote 49 it should read $ [J_1,J_2]=J_1J_2-J_2J_1$ instead of $ [J_1,J_2]=J_1J_2-J_1J_2$. (Thanks to Henry Carnes.)
  • On page 43 in sidenote 51 it should be $J_1$ in the last equation on the right-hand side instead of $J$.
  • On page 44 in Eq. 3.74 the derivative of $cos(\theta)$ is of course $-sin(\theta)$, i.e. in the second row of Eq. 3.74  $\begin{pmatrix}0& 0 &0\\ 0 & -sin(\theta) &-cos(\theta) \\ 0&cos(\theta) &-sin(\theta) \end{pmatrix}$ instead of $\begin{pmatrix}0& 0 &0\\ 0 & -sin(\theta) &-cos(\theta) \\ 0&cos(\theta) &sin(\theta) \end{pmatrix}$. (Thanks to Zi Zhong Liu)
  • On page 50 “Using representation theory, we able …” should read “Using representation theory, we are able …” and on the same page “…that is really were things…” should read “…that is really where things…” (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 51 above Eq. 3.89 it should read “Given a matrix $R$” instead of “Given a matrix $D$”. (Thanks to Vicente Iranzo.)
  • On page 51 Eq. 3.87 and on page 58 Eq. 3.121 the third generator $J_3$ should read $\begin{pmatrix}1& 0 &0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0& 0 & -1 \end{pmatrix}$. (Thanks to Rohit Chaki.)
  • On page 53 ’’ which means the set of unitary $2 \times $ matrices …” should read ’’ which means the set of unitary $2 \times  2$ matrices …” (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish and Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 56 in Eq. 3.112 the factor $\frac{1}{2}$ is wrong in the first row. $J^2 v_k = ( \frac{1}{2}( J_+J_- + J_-J_+) + J_3^2) v_k \rightarrow J^2 v_k = (  J_+J_- + J_-J_+ + J_3^2) v_k $ (Thanks to Dr. Achim Schmetz.)
  • On page 56 in Eq. 3.112 in the last row a factor $v_k$ is missing after the first term. $= \frac{1}{2} (j+k)(j-k+1) + \frac{1}{2} (j-k)(j+k+1)v_k + k^2v_k \rightarrow \frac{1}{2} (j+k)(j-k+1)v_k + \frac{1}{2} (j-k)(j+k+1)v_k + k^2v_k $ (Thanks to Dr. Achim Schmetz.)
  • On page 62 in Eq. 3.136, there should be an additional $i$, because otherwise the commutation relations in Eqs. 3.157,3.158 aren’t satisfied.
  • On page 63 in Eq. 3.131 and Eq. 3.142 all boost generators should have an extra $-i$, because otherwise Eqs. 3.158, 3.159 on page 66, in section 3.7.3, would not hold. In addition, there should be then an additional $i$ in the exponent in the equation below Eq. 3.142 and in Eq. 3.143. (Thanks to RubingBai and Markus Pernow)
  • On page 64 in Eq. 3.149 the $1$ in the upper-left corner of the matrix should be a zero $J_x= \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0 & 0&0 &0 \\ 0 & 0&0 & -1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1& 0
    \end{pmatrix} $ should read $J_x= \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0 & 0&0 &0 \\ 0 & 0&0 & -1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1& 0
    \end{pmatrix} $ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 65 in Eq. 3.150, because of the error in Eq. 3.149, there should be a $0$ in the upper-left corner instead of a $1$ and $J_i$ should read $J_x$, i.e. $\Lambda_P J_i (\Lambda_P)^T = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0&  -1&0 &0 \\ 0& 0&-1 &0 \\ 0&  0 &  0& -1
    \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0 & 0&0 &0 \\  0 &0&0 & -1 \\  0 &0 & 1& 0
    \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0&  -1&0 &0 \\ 0& 0&-1 &0 \\ 0&  0 &  0& -1
    \end{pmatrix}^T = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0 & 0&0 &0 \\  0 &0&0 & -1 \\  0 &0 & 1& 0
    \end{pmatrix} $ should be $\Lambda_P J_x (\Lambda_P)^T = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0&  -1&0 &0 \\ 0& 0&-1 &0 \\ 0&  0 &  0& -1
    \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0 & 0&0 &0 \\  0 &0&0 & -1 \\  0 &0 & 1& 0
    \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0&  -1&0 &0 \\ 0& 0&-1 &0 \\ 0&  0 &  0& -1
    \end{pmatrix}^T = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    0 & 0&0 &0 \\  0 &0&0 & -1 \\  0 &0 & 1& 0
    \end{pmatrix} $ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 65 in Eq. 3.152 $\Lambda_P J_i (\Lambda_P)^T$  should read $\Lambda_P K_x (\Lambda_P)^T $ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 66 in Eq. 3.160 $\theta$, $\phi$, $J$ and $K$ should be $\vec \theta$, $\vec \phi$, $\vec J$ and $\vec K$ and a dot is missing to indicate the scalar product. (Thanks to Marcus Pernow)
  • On page 67 in Eq. 3.167 a minus sign is missing on the right hand side in front of the round bracket. (Thanks to Gleb Klimovitch)
  • On page 68 in Eq. 3.176  the B should have subscript $\phi$ instead of $\theta$ and there should be a dot between the vectors in the exponent. The dot is missing in Eq. 3.175, too. (Thanks to Marcus Pernow)
  • On page 70 in Eq. 3.186 the B should have subscript $\phi$ instead of $\theta$ and there should be a dot between the vectors in the exponent. (Thanks to Marcus Pernow)
  • On page 74 in the sidenote 133 the dots are switched . (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky)
  • On page 76 after “we would use the basis” an index $a$ is missing on the left-hand side $(\tilde{\sigma}^{\dot{b}})^\mu \rightarrow(\tilde{\sigma}^{\dot{b}}_a)^\mu$ (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky.)
  • On page 76 in Eq. 3.217 in the first line the dot should be on top of the $d$, i..e $\dot{d}$ (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 86 the electron mass should be $9, 109 \cdot 10^{ −31}$ kg and not $9, 109 \cdot 10^{ −32}$ kg. (Thanks to Enric Arcadia)
  • On page 93 it should read “the object in question” instead of “the object on question”. (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky.)
  • On page 98 in Eq. 4.12 a $dt$ is missing in the second term: $ \int dt \mathcal{L}\left( q,\frac{dq}{dt},t\right) – \int \mathcal{L}\left( q+ \delta q,\frac{dq}{dt}+ \frac{d \delta q}{dt},t\right) \rightarrow \int dt \mathcal{L}\left( q,\frac{dq}{dt},t\right) – \int dt \mathcal{L}\left( q+ \delta q,\frac{dq}{dt}+ \frac{d \delta q}{dt},t\right)$ (Thanks to Dr. Achim Schmetz.)
  • On page 102 right after equation 4.30 it should read $J_i = \frac{1}{2} S_{jk}$ instead of $S_i = \frac{1}{2} S_{jk}$. (Thanks to Cassiano Cattan)
  • On page 103 in Eq. 4.37 there should be a plus sign instead of a minus sign  $\partial_0 T_0^0 – \partial_i T_0^i  $  should read $\partial_0 T_0^0 + \partial_i T_0^i  $  (Thanks to Martin Wong)
  • On page 105 in Eq. 4.44 $\nu$ should be a $\sigma$: $Q^{\mu \nu} \rightarrow Q^{\mu \sigma}$. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 105 in Eq. 4.46 it should read $T^{00} x^i – T^{i0} x^0 $, i.e. the two terms are switched.
  • On page 106 in Eq. 4.49 $ij$ should be $jk$: $Q^{ij} \rightarrow Q^{jk}$. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 106 in Eq. 4.52 the index $i$ in the second term in the first line should be a superscript instead of a subscript. (Thanks to Marcus Pernow)
  • On page 109 in Eq. 4.62 it should read $T^{00} x^i – T^{i0} x^0 $, because of the error in Eq. 4.46
  • On page 114 in Eq. 5.2 a $\Psi$, and $i$ and a minus sign is missing in the third term, because at page 113 $\hat p$ was defined with a minus sign $\hat p_i = – i\partial_i$. Therefore: $(\partial_i \hat x_j- \hat x_j \partial_i) \rightarrow ( i\hat x_j \partial_i- i\partial_i \hat x_j) \Psi = – i \delta_{ij} \Psi $. Eq. 5.3 is then changed to $[\hat p_i,\hat x_j]= -i \delta_{ij}$ (Thanks to Dr. Achim Schmetz.and Marco Smolla)
  • On page 114 in sidenote 3 the dots should be above the arrow, i.e. $\vec{F}=  m \vec{\ddot{ x}} \rightarrow\vec{F}= m \ddot{\vec{x}}$ and $ \vec{F}\vec{C} = m\vec{\ddot{ x}} \rightarrow\vec{F}\vec{C}= m \ddot{\vec{x}} $  (Thanks to Alexander Zeng)
  • On page 116 “Analogous” should read “Analogously”  (Thanks to Alexander Zeng)
  • On page 119 in sidenote 7 the inner brackets are not closed in the second term in both equations
  • On page 121 in the line under 6.11 the dot should on the $b$ instead of on the $a$ at the second $\sigma$: $(\sigma^\mu)^{\dot a b} \rightarrow  (\sigma^\mu)^{ a \dot b} $. The same correction must be used for the $\sigma$ just before Eq. 6.12 (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 125 in Eq. 6.23 the index should be $\sigma$ not $\rho$: $\partial_\rho F^{\sigma \rho} =0 \rightarrow \partial_\sigma F^{\sigma \rho}=0$ (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 134 in the second equation it should read $+ Maxwell$ instead of $+Proca$, exactly as in Eq. 7.19 (Thanks to Marco Smolla)
  • On page 142 in Eq. 7.50 the  second last line is wrong and shouldn’t be there. In addition, the $=$ at the beginning of the last line should be a $\neq$ and there shouldn’t be a checkmark. (Thanks to Marco Smolla)
  • On page 146 in Eq. 7.69 the first term on the last line should read V1(phi1) instead of V1(phi2). (Thanks to Marcus Pernow)
  • On page 150 in Eq. (7.89)  in the matrix $G$ the element $G_{22}$ should be $g^2$ instead of $g’^2$. (Thanks to Mohammad Mahdi AlTakach)
  • On page 163 in sidenote 65 the matrix $J_3$ should be $\begin{pmatrix}1& 0 &0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0& 0 & -1 \end{pmatrix}$, because of the error in Eq. 3.121 (Thanks to Joey Ooi)
  • On page 179 in the equation after Eq. 8.17 there should be a minus sign between $\partial_0 \partial^0$ and $ \partial_i \partial^i $: $\partial_0 \partial^0+ \partial_i \partial^i \rightarrow \partial_0 \partial^0 – \partial_i \partial^i $. Thus the minus sign in front of  $\partial_i \partial^i$ and $\nabla^2$ is incorrect in all the following equations on this page and the Schrödinger equation at page 180 in Eq. 8.20 should have a plus sign instead of a minus sign: $ (i \partial_t – \frac{\nabla^2}{2m}) \phi( \vec x,t) = 0 \rightarrow (i \partial_t + \frac{\nabla}{2m}) \phi( \vec x,t) = 0  $. Eq. 8.21 then must be corrected, too: $ (i E +  \frac{p^2}{2m}) \phi( \vec x,t) = 0 \rightarrow (i E –  \frac{p^2}{2m}) \phi( \vec x,t) =0  $. The last line of Eq. 8.21 is correct. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 207 Eq. 9.3 it should read $m^2$ instead of $m$. This error is continued throughout the complete section.  (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 207 below Eq. 9.5 there should be a plus sing in the definition of $(\omega_k)^2$: $(\omega_k)^2 \equiv \vec k^2 -m^2 \rightarrow (\omega_k)^2 \equiv \vec k^2 + m^2$ .  (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 212 Eq. 9.30 it should read $a(k)$ instead of $a$.   (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 225 in the first Equation there should be an $a$ on the right-hand side, too. (Thanks to Joey Ooi)
  • On page 259 in Eq. B.8 on the right-hand side it should read $f(a)+g(t)f'(t)|_a^x + \ldots $ instead of $f(a)+g(t)f(t)|_a^x + \ldots $. Consequently, all $f$ in Eq. B.9 become $f’$. (Thanks to Alexander Zeng)

Grammar/Spelling Errors and Formatting Issues

  • On Page X: “Depending on the readers experience” should be “Depending on the reader‘s experience”. (Thanks to Jonathan Hobson.)
  • On the Acknowledgments Page: “… for for many” should be “for many”. (Thanks to Jonathan Hobson.)
  • On page 20 sidenote 18: should be “can be thought of” not “though of” (Thanks to Peter Freed.)
  • On page 21, in the first paragraph, “A translations means” should read “A translation means”. (Thanks to Alexander Zeng.)
  • On page 29 the comma after object in “object, we extracted” is ungrammatical (Thanks to Peter Freed.)
  • On page 29  ” … is called symmetry group” should be “is called a symmetry group” and  ” … is called Poincare group” should be “is called a Poincare group”.  (Thanks to Jonathan Hobson.)
  • On page 29 “geometric shape and on” needs a comma after “shape,” because it marks the end of a parenthetical clause.  (Thanks to Peter Freed.)
  • On page 41 “…corresponding composition rule $\circ $, e.q …” should read “…corresponding composition rule $\circ$, e.g …” (Thanks to
    Jandro Kirkish)
  • On page 47 “we can really think of SU(2) as a the three sphere” should read “we can really think of SU(2) as the three sphere” (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 48 the last word should be “relativity” not “symmetry” (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky.)
  • On page 50 „ Using representation theory, we able to investigate systematically how a given group acts on very different vector spaces and that is were things start to get really interesting.“ should read „ Using representation theory, we are able to investigate systematically how a given group acts on very different vector spaces and that is where things start to get really interesting.“ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 50 in sidenote 70 it should read, of course, “Hilbert” instead of “Hilpert”. (Thanks to Vicente Iranzo.)
  • On page 52 “A Casimir element $C$ is build …” should read “A Casimir element $C$ is built …” (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 54 it should read “using the ladder operators” instead of “using the operators the ladder operators” (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky and Jonathan Wermelinger.)
  • On page 54 „We conclude there must be …“ should read „We conclude that there must be …“ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 55 „… or an half-integer.“ should read „or a half-integer.“ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 58 after Eq. 3.120 „… investigating Lie algebra of SU(2) …“ should read „… investigating the Lie algebra of SU(2) …“ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 62 in the sidenote 108 “were the $\rho$-row of…” should read “where the $\rho$-row of…” (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish and Jonathan Wermelinger.)
  • On page 62 ”We boost the description we have, for example in frame of reference…” should read ”We boost the description we have, for example in a frame of reference…” (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 62 „ … for three spatial dimension …“ should read „ … for three spatial dimensions …“ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 63 in the sidenote 10 it should read “Take note” instead of “Take not” . (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky and Jonathan Wermelinger.)
  • On page 67 “It is a good thing we find addition representations …” should read “It is a good thing we find additional representations …”  (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 76 just above Eq. 3.217 “…transformation operator for an lower undotted index …” should read “…transformation operator for a lower dotted index …” (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish andMeïr Krukowsky.)
  • On page 77 in the sidenote 143  it should read “easiest” instead of “most easiest” . (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky.)
  • On page 78 it should read “In this text we” instead of “In this text”. (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky.)
  • On page 81 in the first line the word “we” is missing after “In Sec. 3.7.7” and above Eq. 3.235 it should read “transforms as” instead of “transform as”. (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky)
  • On page 97 „ … we can built up finite …“ should read „ … we can build up finite …“ (Thanks to Jonathan Wermelinger)
  • On page 99 just below Eq. 4.19, the $L$ in ”Our Lagrangian is invariant $\delta L = 0$” is formatted wrongly. The same formatting issue appears in Eq. 4.23 on page 100. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 106 in sidenote 9 “There is an antiparticles …” should read ”There is an antiparticle …”
  • Page 114: (side-note 2): ” … may seem strange to you, why this …” should have the comma after “you” omitted. (Thanks to Jonathan Hobson.)
  • On page 114 in the sidenote 2 the sentence “In Sec. 8.3 will take a closer look …” should read “In Sec. 8.3 we will take a closer look …” (Thanks to Alexander Zeng)
  • On page 125 “e.q. photons” should read “e.g. photons” (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 128 in the last paragraph “For this purpose, we will introduce triplet objects … and which contains …” should read “… and which contain …”.  (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 131 just below Eq. 7.5 a period is missing at the end of the sentence“…because the product rule produces an extra term.“ (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 144 “”We have then..” “ should read “We then have”.  (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky .)
  • On page 145 “Now, how can add mass terms”, should read “Now, how can we add mass terms”. (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky .)
  • On page 145 “So far we have derived a locally U(1) invariant Lagrangian and it this case … “ should read “… in this case …”.  (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 145 “”…it this context..” “ should read “…in this context…”. On the same page “Now, how can add…” should read “Now, how we can add…” (Thanks to Meïr Krukowsky .)
  • On page 152 “Only left chiral particles interact via the weakforce …” should read “weak force“. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 160“… and equally for the strange and charm or top and bottoms quarks …” should read  “bottom quarks”. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 160 the last sentence is missing a period. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 168 in sidenote 83 there is a formatting in the first matrix in the top row.   (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 177 in the two equations at the beginning of section 8.3.1 should read $3.2$ instead of $3,2$ on the right-hand side. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 183 sidenote 14 is missing a period. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 188 sidenote 24 is missing a period. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 199“… we will use these solutions in Chap. 6, when we talk about quantum field theory.” should be “Chap. 9“.  (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 205 in the second sentence” … we are able to see that the fields itself are operators.”  should read “fields themselves“. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 207 just below Eq. 9.3“… the Klein-Gordan equation …”  should read “Klein-Gordon” . This error also appears in the index, where one can find entries on the Klein-Gordon and the Klein-Gordan equation. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 212 in the penultimate paragraph of section 9.2 “The creation and annihilation operator appear …” should read  “operators”. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 224 in the first sentence “Klein-Gordan” should read “Klein-Gordon“.   (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 224 in sidenote 44“Thats were …” should read “That’s where“. (Thanks to Jandro Kirkish.)
  • On page 235 footnote 7 “Klein Gordan” shoould read Klein-Gordon. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert)
  • On page 237 “Lorentz gauge” should read “Lorenz gauge”. (Thanks to Daniel Ciobotu)
  • On page 261: “Because of $sin(0) = 0$ every term with uneven $n$ vanishes, …” should be “even n”. (Thanks to Telmo Cunha)

9 thoughts on “Errata – 1st Edition

  1. Hello there, first of all thank you for such a great book I’ve learned so much. I think I found an error on page 102. when describing the variation in the field you defined the finite dimensional representation, S(uv). Then defined that it is related to the rotation generators with the levi-civita symbol. should it not read (Ji) = 1/2 (levi-civita)Sjk instead of (Si) = 1/2 (levi-civita)Sjk

  2. Dear Prof. Schwichtenberg,
    I think the formula (3.36) in your book should read “v’=qvq^{-1}”, because this is the formula for rotation of vectors, and the former formula (3.36) is for rotation of frames. So the last equation on the bottom of page 36 should also be corrected, then the (3.45) should read “v’_x=cos(2\theta), v’_y=sin(2\theta), v’_z=0” and so on the (3.46). Therefore we can get the consistent results with (3.24)(the corrected form from your errata).
    BTW, you wrote a very delightful book, thank you!


  3. Hi, I love the concept of your book and I think it’s a great idea that you decided to write it. I’d love to read it as well but the errata page scared me a bit. Are you going to have a second edition anytime soon? Thanks.

  4. I purchased the first edition of Physics from Symmetry. Are there significant differences in content between the first and second editions?

  5. On page 87, last sentence:
    “independent coordinates ins some” –> “independent coordinates in some”

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